在香港學UX/Design Thinking

16 min readNov 17, 2019


在香港剛學習UX(User Experience),四年前學習的機會不多,常覺得不是很多人理解UX,或是把UI(User Interface)和UX混為一談。當年我在科學園接觸到Design Thinking Workshop,啟發了我以後的道路,在此我想分享最近留意到/過往的學習途經,適合於剛想學UX或Design Thinking或想轉行UX Designer的人。

  1. User Experience Research and Design Specialization — University of Michigan

"Integrate UX Research and UX Design to create great products through understanding user needs, rapidly generating prototypes, and evaluating design concepts. Learners will gain hands-on experience with taking a product from initial concept, through user research, ideation and refinement, formal analysis, prototyping, and user testing, applying perspectives and methods to ensure a great user experience at every step."
Source: Coursera

Source: Coursera



適用於:從未認識或初學UX Design人仕

Source: Coursera

除了推薦 User Experience Research and Design Specialization — University of Michigan,其實有很多相關UI/UX的課程可修讀,大家可按自己興趣去選擇。

2. IBM Enterprise Design Thinking

“As an enterprise team, you face complex challenges. You work across silos and juggle competing requirements — all while racing to meet rising expectations.
That’s why we developed Enterprise Design Thinking, a framework that aligns multi-disciplinary teams around the real needs of their users. When teams apply these scalable methods, they’re able to move faster and deliver differentiated outcomes over and over again.”
Source: IBM

個人感想:IBM Enterprise Design Thinking,其實在國際上曝光越來越多,IBM iX幫助企業成功的案例亦很多。他們設計了一套專門在企業和AI應用的Design Thinking Course。同樣,內容由淺入深簡單易明,完成線上課程後有Badge。專門講AI的Design Thinking課程確實少見,上完課後我都有所啟發,對於設計師如何思考「數據」(Data),由Workshop的形式帶你去體驗。如果在做AI和Chatbot相關的議題,建議可以花一點時間去看看。

Enterprise Design Thinking - 對創業或公司轉型有興趣的人仕
AI-已有Design Thinking 基礎

3. Service Design Hong Kong

“We are a community of practitioners who are interested in highlighting the role and importance of Service Design.
- Beyond teaching and learning, we are interested in creating transformative experiences so that people feel activated and inspired to affect change.
- More than networking, we connect people in meaningful ways to build lasting bonds and a spark a sense of community.
- We encourage, invite and welcome different perspectives so that we can share, learn and respectfully challenge each other.
- And last but not least, we know how to have fun!”
Source: Service Design Hong Kong

Source: Service Design Hong Kong

個人感想:Day1是全日由不同資深的Speaker去分享相關Service Design的Conference。個人有幸參與Day 2的Full Day Workshop,由Adam Lawrence和Kate帶領。補充Adam係 This is Service Design Doing 的共同作者,亦係Service Design界相當知名。我覺得係相當值得去,佢將複雜的理論,演變成簡單的內容和Road play,同時邀請了三間機構,分享他們的痛點,以香港真實發生的議題作引入,同時提供數據,讓參與者去聆聽、分析和選擇,一步步以人為本的方式,去創作一些解決痛點的方法/意念。

適用於:從未或想認識Service Design ,或本身係 Designer 想入行

4. 導師導生實習計劃 UX Mentorship Fall 2019

「IxDAHK UX導師導生實習計劃是一個為時3個月的計劃,主要針對初級和中級UX設計師,以及那些正準備投身UX的求職者。通過這個計劃,參加者能夠接觸到有10+年行業經驗的UX導師,讓他們為你指點迷津。」
Source: IXDA

Source: IXDA

個人感想:其實我無參與過這活動,但覺得初心十分好。首先在香港讀UX課程選擇少,就算想質素好d,價錢都會貴。在自學過程中,好多野我都唔知咩係正確,太多人講太多套理論,理論學完實踐後都會想有人提點下改善地方,雖以人為本,但始終唔係跟住客人/個別User的想法去做,要自己再去分析。睇番Mentor背景,有HSBC、Caas、Whub等的Senior Designer,我相信可以對參與者的Career 和skill 可以俾到一定意見。

適用於:本身係 Designer 想入行

5. User Experience Design — General Assembly

“Unit 1: Design Process
Intro to UX and Design Thinking
Explain course expectations in terms of pre-work, homework, projects, office hours, etc.
- Define the elements of user experience design.
- Develop basic skills in creative problem-solving, innovation, and human-centered design through a fast-paced design thinking activity.
- Sketch out potential design solutions to the problem you have defined.
Prototypes, Feedback, and Critique
- Practice adapting to rapidly changing stakeholder requirements.
- Create a paper prototype of your proposed solution.
- Present designs and justify design decisions.”
Source: User Experience Design — General Assembly

Source: User Experience Design — General Assembly

個人感想:早幾年前,除了PolyU 的 Interaction Design Master 和 Interactive Media Degree,最先打入UX香港巿場就是General Assembly (除了Couresa edX,佢地係打Global Market)。我就未讀過,但聽人講有質素,資歷會比Couresa edX等較高認可,以初讀和時間成本不高,係可以考慮,唯一係價錢較貴,要自己衡量值唔值得啦。
適用於:想學習User Experience Design

6. UX Degrees — A Global List of UX-related Bachelor & Master Degrees

個人感想:其實學到一定程度,都會想繼續專注Experience Design,學得更深入專門。這是一個很好的List,收集了UX 相關的Degree 和Master,選擇海外大學我會睇課程內容,是否合乎你將來想發展的路向,其次係價錢,Online 或者係on Campus 上課,幾耐讀完。這些因素就閣下自己衡量了。
適用於:想深入學習 Experience Design

7. Meetup — Design Thinking Hong Kong

“Design Thinking Hong Kong (DTHK) is a community for people who are passionate about the power of design to transform people, societies, businesses…and maybe even the world.

DTHK is a multi-disciplinary community with an emphasis on inclusion, passion, engagement and creativity — we want you to feel welcome and at ease at all our events, so please join us.”
Source: Meetup — Design Thinking Hong Kong

Source: Meetup — Design Thinking Hong Kong

個人感想:如果想找到香港 Design Thinking的Community,可以多d參與各種創新活動以外,都可考慮Meetup!個Group有3404個members,大家會定期分享Design Thinking 相關的活動,和彼此交流最新資訊。Meetup較多外國人使用,所以交流會以英文為主。

適用於:想加入 Design Thinking Community

8. SCAD — User Experience Design

Reimagine the human-machine interface

From mobile devices to intelligent clothing, automobile interiors to health care informatics, user experience (UX) designers make experiences approachable, meaningful and memorable. Deftly employing research, programming and design, UX designers harness the power of technology combined with user-friendly touchpoints informed by human behavior.

The UX design program at SCAD was developed in collaboration with Google to deliver a unique and state-of-the-art learning experience to SCAD students.
Source: SCAD — User Experience Design

Source: SCAD — User Experience Design

個人感想:這是在整理Experience Design 資料時所發現的小驚喜。一直以為香港的大學授教相關的學科只有 PolyU 的 Interaction Design Master 和 Interactive Media Degree,價錢相當公道(雖然睇住佢每年跟通脹加),兩者均需要full time 修讀。雖然未知SCAD — User Experience Design Degree 的價錢和實質教學內容,但對於想在香港深入學習Experience Design的人是一個好消息!看到相關報道介紹:New UX Design programme at SCAD Hong Kong connects businesses with their target consumers

適用於:想深入了解UX Design

9. 打造不敗的創新方案 101項設計思考法則

Source: 金石堂

個人感想:在一兩年前,我是從博客來訂購的,但剛剛找到的網址都已經失效了。其實書本是由Vijay Kumar 在2012年寫,明白至今都相距7年,確實有很多更好的「設計思考法則」取代。這本書的好處,適用於以中文學習,和針對User Research,如何收集有效的數據,轉化為有用的資料,提供多種方法,以應用不同情境,好比如:事件報告、意向陳述、參與利益團體討論、研究規劃調查、經驗模擬、活動網路、深層資訊分組矩陣、概念遊戲、角色扮演和木偶戲等。以中文學習的缺點是,一些生字/專用詞語,中英文對調難以一下子理解到句子意思。始終書本有點outdated,但如果不太貴,或是可以去圖書館借看,亦想以中文學習為主,依然會推薦一看。英文版的話,建議可考慮其他新書。

《101 Design Methods》 《A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization》

適用於:想學習User Research的人仕

10. Design Thinking 01:玩轉創業

「創業前需要的種種準備,需要累積的知識、經驗、社會人脈、起動資金、市場調研、了解客戶需求、行銷模式、財務管理等,對創業者來說都是一道道難關。「設計思維」(Design Thinking)可以協助我們有效找到「消費者」、「設計者」及「生產者」三者之間的默契,為創業及永續經營開路,近年大受歡迎的Airbnb也是「設計思維」的典型受益者。

Design Thinking被翻譯為「設計思維」或「設計思考」,以致許多人誤認為這是局限於設計行業的知識,是專屬於產品設計師或生產工程師的,這實在是一個很大的誤解。實際上,「設計思維」是一套源自於設計方法論,卻又自成一體的創新思維模式,它不僅可以應用於設計行業,更適用於各行各業,甚至我們生活的方方面面,是一套結合創新與分析能力,有效解決問題的方法論。」
Source: 博客來

Source: 博客來

個人感想:在2016年上過他的Workshop同時向他本人直接購買回家看,當時也是本新書,而且Design Thinking仍未興起。這書說明了設計思維的流程,強調 Simon Sinek 的 Why How What 理論。這是一本很基礎,以個人說故事形式引用不同理論。好處是讓閱讀者易於代入套用在日常生活/創業上,缺點是不夠深入。不要期望這是一本讓你學習的教科書,但學習基礎是足夠的。

適用於:未曾認識Design Thinking的人




Written by 微光

愛科技 I 創新 I 體驗設計 I 設計思維 I 紙藝

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